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Now displaying: October, 2023

We have one goal, to unlock authenticity.

We believe it's the key to human flourishing.

Let's Write New Rules.

Oct 18, 2023

Just as an ordinary 'signature' serves as a distinctive mark of an individual's name on an item, situation, or event, our lives also leave unique "emotional signatures” on the ones around us


Emotional imprints are intricately intertwined with our internal character and personal experiences, shaping our responses and reactions to the world around us. 


These emotional signatures are the sum of our joys, sorrows, triumphs, and tribulations, creating a mosaic of emotional patterns that define our individuality. They guide our interactions, decisions, and perceptions, ultimately leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of our lives.


In Episode 28 of The New Rules Podcast, we dive into not only what makes us unique, but how we leave our mark on those around us. 


We’ll examine:


  • How Adrian’s wife, Wendy, provided relentless consistency in his life

  • How not being satisfied with life can help you make exponential progress

  • How ‘emotional signatures’ impact others - not just yourself

  • Why it’s your responsibility to understand your emotional triggers

  • The struggle of leading others in an unbiased way 


Don't miss out on our latest updates and content! Connect with us on all our social media platforms to stay connected and find additional resources to continue the journey to becoming an authentic leader.


Instagram: @writenewrules

TikTok: @writenewrules

Linkedin: Adrian Crawford

Youtube: youtube.com/cadriancrawford

Oct 11, 2023

The audio for this episode contains conversations related to sensitive mental and emotional health issues, including suicide.


“Triggered” is quite the buzzword these days, but have you ever taken a moment to reflect on the things that set you off?

We all have our blind spots, and, in some way, we’ve all experienced the fallout of what our emotional IEDs (Internal Explosive Devices) can do to ourselves and our relationships. If you are not aware of where you are emotionally, you will live disconnected. Uncovering your triggers is the first step towards managing your emotional responses. 

In this episode, we discuss practical ways to begin this challenging (but rewarding) journey and unpack the real-life consequences for those who resist the process.

In this episode we’ll examine:

  • Why leaders must be proactive, not reactive dealing with emotional health

  • Why there could be a rise in suicide if we are not careful in dealing with our emotional pasts

  • How our childhood may cause our decisions to be hazy or biased towards a specific circumstance

  • The value of committing to be your authentic self and the consequences of disregarding it

  • Trigger, feeling, meaning


- Trigger: An event, situation, comment, or happening that causes you to feel a negative emotion.

- Feeling: Provide information, usually described by a word or two from the following:

      + Anger: Wrong done to you

      + Guilt: Wrong done by you

      + Shame: I am bad

      + Sadness: Felt loss or grief

      + Fear/Anxiety: A perceived threat

- Meaning: Why are these feelings that I am having actually connected to the initial trigger?


Don't miss out on our latest updates and content! Connect with us on all our social media platforms to stay connected and find additional resources to continue the journey to becoming an authentic leader.


Instagram: @writenewrules


TikTok: @writenewrules


Youtube: /cadriancrawford

Oct 4, 2023

In the midst of war, an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) is strategically placed to cause physical harm toward an enemy.

In the same way, our traumatic experiences can plant “Emotional I.E.D’s” into our lives, without us ever being aware of their existence.

From childhood all the way through adult life, there is constant stress on us as individuals.

On top of ordinary pain, we are destined to experience some form of extraordinary hardship that forces us to confront reality.

These painful experiences plant Emotional I.E.D’s to ‘protect us’ - and now we must do the hard work of unearthing these dangerous explosives before they explode onto us and our relationships.

In Today’s Episode, We’ll examine:
• How Adrian is learning to overcome his childhood fears
• Why it is so easy to fall into ‘fear-centered’ parenting
• How emotional I.E.D’s explode on our lives if they go unchecked


Join Us for Episode 26 of the New Rules Podcast, as we discuss the importance of emotional awareness on your journey to becoming an authentic leader!Don't miss out on our latest updates and engaging content! 

Instagram: @writenewrules

Threads: @writenewrules

TikTok: @writenewrules

Youtube: /cadriancrawford