

All Episodes
Now displaying: 2023

We have one goal, to unlock authenticity.

We believe it's the key to human flourishing.

Let's Write New Rules.

Dec 20, 2023

Will 2024 be a New Year, New You? 


Welcome to Episode 34 of the New Rules Podcast, where we delve into the intricacies of authentic development and goal-setting entering 2024.


We  explore the realities involved in creating more realistic goals, tackling challenges along the way, and discovering effective ways to help someone envision their own future.


Get ready, because we’ll tackle:

  • Why “New Year New Me” is not true, and how it can hurt setting realistic expectations. 

  • Examining the impact of generational differences on goal-setting. How do the struggles faced by different generations shape their perspectives on what's achievable?

  • Discussing the unique challenges faced by each generation and how these challenges influence the goals they set for themselves.

  • Providing practical tips and strategies to maintain momentum and navigate the challenges associated with embracing an authentic direction in life.

  • How a scarcity mindset can negatively impact your goal-setting

  • How Adrian personally sets his goals

  • Why there should be hope in the next generation


Remember, the journey towards a more authentic life is unique for everyone, and leaders have the responsibility to see the nuances between individuals and their respective goals and aspirations. 


After participating in this discussion with us, we hope you can be one step closer to unlocking your full potential and helping others do the same!


More of a visual person? 

You can WATCH today’s episode on our Youtube Channel: 

Youtube: youtube.com/cadriancrawford


To stay connected, visit us at the following places and help us guide you on your journey to becoming an authentic leader!

LinkedIn: Adrian Crawford

Instagram: @writenewrules

TikTok: @writenewrules


Dec 13, 2023

In the realm of leadership, there's a profound beauty in understanding the fuel behind your passions and values. It goes beyond mere goal-setting, serving as a pathway to genuine clarity that sparks motivation and transforms dreams into reality.


As leaders, our responsibility extends beyond personal aspirations. It's about zeroing in on the passions and values that drive us, shaping a vision for the future. Setting standards that authentically reflect who we are, and then, with unwavering commitment, guiding our teams along the same path.


Join Adrian and Bri in Episode 33 as they delve deep into the crucial importance of Authentic Leadership. Discover how authenticity becomes the heartbeat that inspires trust, fosters cohesion, and ensures an unwavering commitment to shared goals.


This level of leadership demands transparent communication, a commitment to self-reflection, openness to constructive feedback, and a celebration of every success—no matter how small.


In this Episode, We Discuss:

  • Leadership Maintenance

  • Vigilance

  • Personalized Recovery

    • Are you injured or sore?

    • What are you responsible for?

    • What do you want?

Tune in to explore the true cost of Authentic Leadership and the traits that contribute to its success.


More of a visual person? 

You can WATCH today’s episode on our Youtube Channel: 

Youtube: youtube.com/cadriancrawford


To stay connected, visit us at the following places and help us guide you on your journey to becoming an authentic leader!

LinkedIn: Adrian Crawford

Instagram: @writenewrules

TikTok: @writenewrules


Dec 6, 2023

In order to take your emotional health and self-awareness journey seriously, you must be willing to let other things go.


As authentic leadership consultants, Adrian and Bri admit that their way of doing things is uncomfortable for most individuals. 


Why? Because most aren’t willing to lean into temporary pain and instead often settle to temporarily alleviate anxiety if it sacrifices genuine progress.


In the preceding episode, we observed an inclination towards avoiding pain, evident both at the individual and societal levels. 


As we seek comfort and security, our journeys often veer away from discomfort, challenges, and potential adversities. 


The prevailing pattern of evading pain, should it continue unchecked, poses the potential to hinder our authentic progress.


At New Rules, we exist to launch authentic individuals who create credible cultures. 


In Episode 32, we dive deeper into what hinders people and organizations from becoming authentically who they are. 


We’ll discuss:

  • How to remain present

  • The importance of community

  • We alleviating anxiety immediately hinders long term progress

  • You can’t effectively journey alone when growing in emotional intelligence

  • Sacrificing for a season, in order to reach a long-term goal


Don’t miss this powerful continuation of our ‘resilience’ in the real world episode. To stay connected, visit us at the following places and help us guide you on your journey to becoming an authentic leader!


LinkedIn: Adrian Crawford

Instagram: @writenewrules

TikTok: @writenewrules


More of a visual person? 

You can WATCH today’s episode on our Youtube Channel: 

Youtube: youtube.com/cadriancrawford


Nov 15, 2023

We have witnessed a notable shift towards an aversion to pain at both the individual and societal levels.


 In our quest for comfort and security, we often find ourselves navigating paths that steer clear of discomfort, challenges, and potential sources of adversity. 


This trend towards pain avoidance, if allowed to persist unchecked, carries the risk of impeding our authentic development as a society.


In Episode 31, hosts Adrian and Bri discuss the the symptoms of pain avoidance, the risks associated, and the nuances between.


  • Gen Z has learned to live with apps that seem to ‘hack’ life 

  • “How do I get through things with the least amount of pain possible?”

  • We will miss out on things if we avoid hard times

  • Why walking through the process is more important than the destination

  • How ‘efficiency’ is as dangerous as it is helpful

  • Wisdom is ‘applied knowledge’

  • We are entering a period of a lack of wisdom

  • Why therapy is only the beginning of your emotional health journey

  • Unraveling our coping mechanisms from our pain points


To stay connected, visit us at the following places and help us guide you on your journey to becoming an authentic leader!


LinkedIn: Adrian Crawford

Instagram: @writenewrules

TikTok: @writenewrules


More of a visual person? 

You can WATCH today’s episode on our Youtube Channel: 

Youtube: youtube.com/cadriancrawford


Nov 8, 2023

How do tough times shape us? 

Do challenges in our lives affect us for the better or for the worse?

In Episode 30 of the New Rules Podcast, we discuss how pain often molds resilience - a vital trait of authenticity, which we believe brings true human flourishing. 

But first, we must begin by clarifying the true essence of resilience and acknowledging the ways in which our culture may have misconstrued its meaning.

In this episode, we'll examine the paradoxical and transformative nature of resilience, emphasizing its vital role in our personal growth and development and the beauty of it being in the fabric of our character. 

Topics Discussed:

  • Whether we need tough times to develop resilience

  • The influence that Adrian’s mother battling Lupus had on his resilience and personal journey

  • How to put yourself in situations where you can build resilience

  • Why we need internal structures in our lives

  • How the structures or walls we put up can hinder or help us in the long run


Don’t miss this powerful continuation of our ‘resilience’ in the real world episode. To stay connected, visit us at the following places and help us guide you on your journey to becoming an authentic leader!


LinkedIn: Adrian Crawford

Instagram: @writenewrules

TikTok: @writenewrules


More of a visual person? 

You can WATCH today’s episode on our Youtube Channel: 

Youtube: youtube.com/cadriancrawford


Nov 1, 2023

Is resilience a gift or a curse? 


We must first define what it truly means to be resilient and identify the ways that culture has misrepresented what it means. 


Resilience, a term that is often used in the context of facing life's adversities and challenges, prompts a deep examination regarding its nature and impact on individuals. 


 In Episode 29 of the New Rules Podcast, we take a practical look into how being resilient can be the most challenging, yet rewarding component of our lives.


We’ll examine:

  • How coming back to your authentic form is the true definition of resilience

  • Why our culture is prone to lack resilience 

  • The importance of knowing your values

  • Choosing a life surrounding what’s important to you

  • The importance of checking your motives throughout daily life

  • Why you must face reality in order to grow from experiences


More of a visual person? 

You can WATCH today’s episode on our Youtube Channel: youtube.com/cadriancrawford


And don't miss out on our latest updates and content! Connect with us on all our social media platforms to stay connected and find additional resources to continue the journey to becoming an Authentic Leader.

Youtube: youtube.com/cadriancrawford

Linkedin: Adrian Crawford

Instagram: @writenewrules

TikTok: @writenewrules


Oct 18, 2023

Just as an ordinary 'signature' serves as a distinctive mark of an individual's name on an item, situation, or event, our lives also leave unique "emotional signatures” on the ones around us


Emotional imprints are intricately intertwined with our internal character and personal experiences, shaping our responses and reactions to the world around us. 


These emotional signatures are the sum of our joys, sorrows, triumphs, and tribulations, creating a mosaic of emotional patterns that define our individuality. They guide our interactions, decisions, and perceptions, ultimately leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of our lives.


In Episode 28 of The New Rules Podcast, we dive into not only what makes us unique, but how we leave our mark on those around us. 


We’ll examine:


  • How Adrian’s wife, Wendy, provided relentless consistency in his life

  • How not being satisfied with life can help you make exponential progress

  • How ‘emotional signatures’ impact others - not just yourself

  • Why it’s your responsibility to understand your emotional triggers

  • The struggle of leading others in an unbiased way 


Don't miss out on our latest updates and content! Connect with us on all our social media platforms to stay connected and find additional resources to continue the journey to becoming an authentic leader.


Instagram: @writenewrules

TikTok: @writenewrules

Linkedin: Adrian Crawford

Youtube: youtube.com/cadriancrawford

Oct 11, 2023

The audio for this episode contains conversations related to sensitive mental and emotional health issues, including suicide.


“Triggered” is quite the buzzword these days, but have you ever taken a moment to reflect on the things that set you off?

We all have our blind spots, and, in some way, we’ve all experienced the fallout of what our emotional IEDs (Internal Explosive Devices) can do to ourselves and our relationships. If you are not aware of where you are emotionally, you will live disconnected. Uncovering your triggers is the first step towards managing your emotional responses. 

In this episode, we discuss practical ways to begin this challenging (but rewarding) journey and unpack the real-life consequences for those who resist the process.

In this episode we’ll examine:

  • Why leaders must be proactive, not reactive dealing with emotional health

  • Why there could be a rise in suicide if we are not careful in dealing with our emotional pasts

  • How our childhood may cause our decisions to be hazy or biased towards a specific circumstance

  • The value of committing to be your authentic self and the consequences of disregarding it

  • Trigger, feeling, meaning


- Trigger: An event, situation, comment, or happening that causes you to feel a negative emotion.

- Feeling: Provide information, usually described by a word or two from the following:

      + Anger: Wrong done to you

      + Guilt: Wrong done by you

      + Shame: I am bad

      + Sadness: Felt loss or grief

      + Fear/Anxiety: A perceived threat

- Meaning: Why are these feelings that I am having actually connected to the initial trigger?


Don't miss out on our latest updates and content! Connect with us on all our social media platforms to stay connected and find additional resources to continue the journey to becoming an authentic leader.


Instagram: @writenewrules


TikTok: @writenewrules


Youtube: /cadriancrawford

Oct 4, 2023

In the midst of war, an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) is strategically placed to cause physical harm toward an enemy.

In the same way, our traumatic experiences can plant “Emotional I.E.D’s” into our lives, without us ever being aware of their existence.

From childhood all the way through adult life, there is constant stress on us as individuals.

On top of ordinary pain, we are destined to experience some form of extraordinary hardship that forces us to confront reality.

These painful experiences plant Emotional I.E.D’s to ‘protect us’ - and now we must do the hard work of unearthing these dangerous explosives before they explode onto us and our relationships.

In Today’s Episode, We’ll examine:
• How Adrian is learning to overcome his childhood fears
• Why it is so easy to fall into ‘fear-centered’ parenting
• How emotional I.E.D’s explode on our lives if they go unchecked


Join Us for Episode 26 of the New Rules Podcast, as we discuss the importance of emotional awareness on your journey to becoming an authentic leader!Don't miss out on our latest updates and engaging content! 

Instagram: @writenewrules

Threads: @writenewrules

TikTok: @writenewrules

Youtube: /cadriancrawford

Sep 27, 2023

Do you know where you come from? Where are you at? Where are you going?


These three questions may seem simple, but they are perhaps the most vital questions you can ask yourself on the journey to discovering your authentic self. 


Emotional intelligence is the engine of a well-oiled enterprise, the heartbeat of a healthy individual and the compass to an authentic leader.


So, why is authentic leadership so rare in today’s world?


In Episode 25, Adrian and Bri examine how our culture has programmed us to not properly process our stories to know where we come from to be able to clearly see where we are and where we want to go. 


We’ll examine:

  • How our upbringing shapes us as adults

  • How we disconnect from our pain in order to survive

  • Why pain and suffering is our greatest catalyst for growth

  • Why codependent and narcissistic leaders are actually more similar than you’d think

  • Leaning on emotional intelligence, even when it is unpopular


Join us as we discuss practical application for emotional intelligence, and how to leverage this newfound information to lead a healthier life. 


Don't miss out on our latest updates and content! Connect with us on all our social media platforms to stay connected and find additional resources to continue the journey to becoming an authentic leader.


Instagram: @writenewrules


TikTok: @writenewrules


Youtube: /cadriancrawford


Sep 20, 2023

We’ve all been given the promise of hope - for a better life, an answer to our grievances, and an ease on our societal pressures.

In the last episode, we explored how these promises were often empty - a disguise for another agenda which ended up hindering our progress.

Now, in Episode 24, Bri and Adrian continue to explore practical solutions for hopelessness, and further diagnose the specific hurdles we often experience while yearning for an authentic lifestyle.  


We’ll examine:

  • The common perception of authenticity and the proper definition 

  • What happens when our world doesn’t ‘keep its promises?’

  • How to manage tension during our biggest moments of pain

  • The difference between leadership and ‘management’ - particularly during a crisis


Join Us for Episode 24 of the New Rules Podcast, as we further breakdown the concept of “Hope I Can Believe In” - and the price of empty promises. 


Bitty & Beau's Coffee:



Don't miss out on our latest updates and engaging content! Connect with us on all our social media platforms to stay connected and find additional resources to continue to become an authentic leader.


Instagram: @writenewrules


Threads: @writenewrules


TikTok: @writenewrules


Youtube: /cadriancrawford


Sep 13, 2023

Hope is not just a buzzword, it’s a vital principle necessary for human flourishing. 

Without it, societies could not progress, individuals could not persevere, and purpose would be an afterthought. 

So, what happens when we embrace hopelessness as an ideology as a means to cope with the world around us?

In Episode 23 of the New Rules Podcast, Adrian and Bri examine “Hope I Can Believe In” and the cost of underdelivering on a promise to create monumental change.  

We’ll examine:

  • Humans natural tendency to drift towards a utopian mindset 

  • False promises of “change” and hope

  • The crisis of radical individualism and the nuances within it 

  • How expectations don’t often line up with cultural reality 

  • How living authentically can help us operate through and within the crisis of hopelessness


Join us as we take a deep dive into the promise of hope, the crisis of hopelessness, and the nuances in between. 


Rebuilders: The Rise of a New Individualism



Rebuilders: The Second Secularism



Don't miss out on our latest updates and engaging content! Connect with us on all our social media platforms to stay connected and find additional resources to continue to become an authentic leader.

Instagram: @writenewrules


Threads: @writenewrules


TikTok: @writenewrules


Youtube: /cadriancrawford

Aug 30, 2023

In Episode 22 of the New Rules Podcast, Adrian & Bri break from the ordinary rhythm of the podcast with another "freestyle" episode!


In this episode, we'll examine questions / topics such as: 

- Is it others responsibility to adjust to your personal "triggers?"

- Why are more people in the older generation experiencing mental health issues than ever before? 

- Why is there such a gap between the younger generation and the older generation? 

- What are reasonable expectations about work/life balance and proper compensation?

Join Adrian and Bri as they conversate accross an array of topics relating to leadership, personal growth, and beyond.


Don't miss out on our latest updates and engaging content!


Connect with us on all our social media platforms to stay connected and find additional resources to continue to become an authentic leader.

Instagram: @writenewrules

Threads: @writenewrules

TikTok: @writenewrules

Youtube: /cadriancrawford



Aug 16, 2023

Information is coming at us from all sides. Consuming information these days can be compared to trying to drink water from a fire hydrant. 


Access points into our lives are everywhere. To what extent do these “access points” affect how we conduct ourselves on a daily basis? Do we ever slow down to evaluate our intake? Asking ourselves why we choose to consume the content we do, and evaluate what value it brings?


We mindlessly scroll through social media, but how many apps a day? We listen to our favorite podcasts, but how many are there? With the digital revolution and microwave-culture calling the shots– our ability to regulate these points of entry is getting harder by the minute.


In Episode 21 of the New Rules Podcast, we examine this concept of access points through relationships, work, media, and beyond. 


We’ll examine:

  • We have so many access points, we can’t ‘keep the doors shut’

  • The growing misconception of ‘lack of resilience’ within Gen Z and how they might not be as “coddled” as what is believed

  • Access has grown faster than we could possibly adapt to in a healthy way

  • Relationships are important access points that are often overlooked as such, that can shape us, both good and bad. 

  • Having too many access points can be extremely overwhelming - and without proper boundaries, will lead to loneliness, despair, and crisis. 


Join Adrian and Bri as they examine the proper way to evaluate and cope with access points in work, life, and beyond.





Don't miss out on our latest updates and engaging content! Connect with us on all our social media platforms to stay connected and find additional resources to continue to become an authentic leader.

Instagram: @writenewrules


Threads: @writenewrules


TikTok: @writenewrules


Youtube: /cadriancrawford  


Aug 9, 2023

Many times, we assume that we must be a corporate leader, owner, or in a position of power in order to claim ‘ownership’ over our meaningful work.


However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. 


In fact, if you adopt an ownership mentality- as an employee, a parent, or even a friend, it can transform your life in a positive way.


In Episode 20 of the New Rules Podcast, we examine this principle of ownership inside and out of the workplace. 


We’ll examine:


  • Why should you declare ownership if you don’t have a stake in a workplace?


  • Would you rather have an ownership-minded individual or a skilled individual as an employee for your organization? 


  • Adopting ownership in your home and avoiding an egotistical way of thinking 


  • How an ownership-driven mindset is an unparalleled key to success in work, life, and beyond

Join Adrian and Bri as they challenge us to examine your own life and if you are taking enough ownership in the places and spaces that you inhabit!


Equal Shot Academy:



Don't miss out on our latest updates and engaging content! Connect with us on all our social media platforms to stay connected and find additional resources to continue to become an authentic leader.


Instagram: @adriancrawford5, @bri.nclrk


Facebook: Adrian Crawford


Linkedin: Adrian Crawford




 / cadriancrawford  


Titkok: @adriancrawford05, @briclrk


Aug 2, 2023

We all want to separate ourselves from the pack, but how do we define what makes us different from the rest? 


In Episode 19 of The New Rules Podcast, we delve into the concept of being "One of One" and embracing our authentic selves. When we understand our positive and negative traits, we can leverage our strengths to better ourselves and the world around us. 


In this episode, we'll discuss:


Being One of One


- How do you create work that is one of one? (unparalleled)

- How do you influence the world around you in a way that only you can?


Action vs Intention


- What drives the decisions that you make?

- Are your decisions influenced by your intent?


We challenge you to face the internal question: "Why should my intentions be relevant if my actions stay the same?"


Join Adrian & Bri on their journey of what it means to not only own your truth but discover ways to be "one of one" in your personal life, with your family, in the workplace, and beyond!


Don't miss out on our latest updates and engaging content! Connect with us on all our social media platforms to stay connected and find additional resources to continue to become an authentic leader. 



Instagram: @adriancrawford5, @bri.nclrk


Facebook: Adrian Crawford


Linkedin: Adrian Crawford




 / cadriancrawford  


Titkok: @adriancrawford05, @briclrk


Jul 20, 2023

In this re-release of Episode 1 of the New Rules Podcast, Adrian gives a breakdown on "The Atmosphere of Anxiety" - citing personal experiences and practical examples on how to break through the barriers that mental health issues often set for us. 


Don't miss out on our latest updates and engaging content! Connect with us on all our social media platforms to stay connected and find additional resources to continue to become an authentic leader.

Instagram: @adriancrawford5, @bri.nclrk

Facebook: Adrian Crawford

LinkedIn: Adrian Crawford

Youtube: / cadriancrawford

Titkok: @adriancrawford05, @briclrk

Jul 19, 2023

This week, "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" will hit theaters worldwide - stuck between fantasy and death & destruction -casting two separate perspectives of the world we live in. 

In Episode 18, we examine how both of these films represent real issues that we face and how we can better appreciate both what "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" represent from an artistic and a cultural worldview.

Episode Highlights:


  • Director Greta Gerwig brings added depth to the once basic storyline 

  • Having the ‘perfect’ life but wanting something more

  • Existential crisis inside of the barbie dreamworld

  • Pushing the narrative of the aloof and ineffective man 


  • In a world of nuclear bombs, how do we still ‘live out our true selves?’

  • We built out self-discovery without resilience, and this will have consequences

  • You need resilience in an 'Oppenheimer' world

Cultural Relevance:

  • Practically empowering women without degrading men

  • Our society does a bad job at deconstructing without ‘tearing the house down’

Join Adrian and Bri in this ‘freestyle’ podcast, examining the cultural relevance of two films “Oppenheimer” and “Barbie” which hit theaters later this week.

Which film are you most excited to see?


Don't miss out on our latest updates and engaging content! Connect with us on all our social media platforms to stay connected and find additional resources to continue to become an authentic leader.

Instagram: @adriancrawford5, @bri.nclrk

Facebook: Adrian Crawford

LinkedIn: Adrian Crawford

Youtube: / cadriancrawford

Titkok: @adriancrawford05, @briclrk

Jul 12, 2023

We all strive for heroism in our daily lives - but do you know how your origin story shaped your character up to this point? If not, you may risk becoming a villain in someone else’s story. In

Episode 17, we dive into the necessity of understanding where you began and the stories and moments that shaped you, so you can better define where you are going.. and what kind of leader you want to be.


Episode Highlights:


Being Aware:

Discover what it means to have an “Origin Story” and how it effects your life today

The “Hero” or “Villain” narrative: how will you develop your own story?

Processing emotions from your childhood, no matter how painful it is

Developing a hero or a villain narrative based on your level of processing

Avoiding negative feelings due to traumatic experiences


Living With Your Story:

Be a self-aware individual who can identify where triggers are coming from

Help others become aware, but don’t hold responsibility for their response

Moments are tough, but living with reality longterm is more difficult

Guard your heart, for without doing so you can fall into darkness


Join Adrian & Bri on their journey of what it means to not only own your origin story but discover it, and better navigate the intricacies of life with a more balanced emotional landscape.

What’s your origin story? How has it defined your life to this point? We challenge you to examine your own experience so you can become a self-differentiated leader.


Don't miss out on our latest updates and engaging content! Connect with us on all our social media platforms to stay connected and find additional resources to continue to become an authentic leader.

Instagram: @adriancrawford5, @bri.nclrk

Facebook: Adrian Crawford

Linkedin: Adrian Crawford

Youtube: / cadriancrawford

Titkok: @adriancrawford05, @briclrk

Jul 5, 2023

In a rapidly changing world, will you be a leader who forges a new path or the one who clings to the outdated ways of the past? Join us in Episode 16 as we delve into the captivating realm of leadership, uncovering the critical distinctions between 'leadership' and 'management' and exploring how recent disruptions have reshaped the landscape.


Episode Highlights: 

  • Unveiling the Shifting Paradigm:

    • Discover the traditional hierarchical leadership structure that prevailed pre-2020.

    • Explore the transformative impact of the pandemic, remote work, and civil unrest.

    • Understand how these events have compelled leaders to reassess their approach.

  • Leading in the Gen Z Era:

    • Insightful analysis by Adrian on effectively leading the Gen Z workforce.

    • Uncover the unique challenges and opportunities this generation presents.

    • Learn how leaders must adapt to engage and inspire Gen Z employees.

  • Embracing Authentic Leadership:

    • Bri and Adrian emphasize the significance of authenticity in leadership.

    • Distinguish yourself as a leader by carving your own path rather than merely managing.

    • Gain invaluable insights into unleashing your unique leadership style by remaining an expert of yourself rather than each person you are leading. 

  • Cultivating Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving:

    • Explore the essential skills leaders must foster in today's ever-changing landscape.

    • Learn how to inspire those you lead to think critically and solve problems creatively.

    • Unleash your team's potential to tackle challenges head-on.


Join Adrian and Bri as they unravel the intricacies of leadership and management, providing insights for those navigating the dynamic landscape of the modern era. Whether you aspire to lead or seek to refine your leadership skills, this episode promises to be an enlightening journey.


Don't miss out on our latest updates and engaging content! Connect with us on all our social media platforms to stay connected and find additional resources to continue to become an authentic leader. 


Instagram: @adriancrawford5, @bri.nclrk

Facebook: Adrian Crawford

Linkedin: Adrian Crawford

Youtube: youtube.com/cadriancrawford

Titkok: @adriancrawford05, @briclrk


Jun 28, 2023

Have you lost your sense of wonder? 

There are benefits of living with wonder, not only in our personal lives but also in the professional world. Adrian explores how embracing this way of being and practicing being present can make life more enjoyable, both at home and in the creative workplace. 


In this deeply insightful episode, Adrian shares his personal experience of recently losing his sense of wonder and awe for the little things in life. 


Adrian further delves into his own journey of how some recent health scares have pushed him to stay more present in his daily experiences and have started to leave him with a sense of awe and wonder. 


Bri and Adrian discuss the transformative power of awe-inspiring moments and the importance of nurturing our sense of curiosity, even on a daily basis. 


They also break down how the importance of critical thinking in our current cultural moment and how it will continue to become more and more needed in the world to come. 


Join us as we explore the path towards reclaiming wonder in our lives by rekindling our appreciation for the simple joys and embracing a childlike curiosity and  find renewed inspiration and joy in the world around us. 


Don't forget to connect with us on all our social media platforms if you find this episode helpful!


Instagram: @adriancrawford5

Facebook: Adrian Crawford

Linkedin: Adrian Crawford

Youtube: youtube.com/cadriancrawford

Titkok: @adriancrawford05

Recommendations mentioned in this episode: 


Jun 14, 2023

Welcome to Episode 14 of The New Rules Podcast! 


In this captivating episode, Bri and Adrian explore how to “Clear The Stage” and delve into the profound insights behind living integrated lives.


Adrian takes center stage, shedding light on the idea of having a backstage reality and an on-stage presence. He dives deep into the notion of leading dual lives, where individuals separate their true selves behind the scenes from the persona they present to others.


Unpacking the significance of authenticity, Adrian emphasizes the importance of aligning our inner selves with our social environments. 


He highlights how embracing our genuine identity in various circumstances not only cultivates personal growth but also benefits those around us.


In a moment of personal conviction, Adrian shares how his basketball career led him to be so focused on his performance that he saw his identity in the sport rather than who he was off the court.


Join us as we uncover the transformative power of authenticity, but the dangers associated with not bringing who you really are to center stage. 


We'll explore:

  • Understanding the difference between backstage reality and on-stage presence

  • Connecting your authentic self to certain social environments, and the danger of not doing so

  • Empowering others through your true identity


We're thrilled to share this enlightening discussion with you!

Instagram: @adriancrawford5

Linkedin: Adrian Crawford

Tiktok: @adriancrawford05

Facebook: Adrian Crawford

Youtube: youtube.com/cadriancrawford

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